Advanced Background Check, Inc has performed over 16 million searches the past 21 years and continues to see volumes increase on a daily basis as more companies trust ourselves to give the best information available in the US. That’s more than just a statement at Advanced Background but proven every day by the hard work of our experienced internal staff and the hundreds of county vendors, Nationwide, who access the 3,143 county public access to search for criminal and civil records, retrieve important files and perform Property Title searches in order for our great economy to streamline the hiring process, defend those who have been harmed and for people to gain access to credit or the house of their dreams.


How do we connect with those who drive, walk and run thousands of miles every day to gain access to this information? 21 years ago I was introduced to this industry in the form of a part time job working for my lone client who faxed their information to me on a daily basis assigned to my 7 counties for a 24-48 hour turn time. Within 6 months I wanted more clients so I accessed the industry’s sole reference directory and I sent out my resume to hundreds of other background check companies. As I started to work for dozens of background companies they asked me if I was able to get to more jurisdictions, ones which I could not get to myself. So, I networked with the various court clerks, Recorder’s offices and Sheriff Departments to gain access to who they felt was the most experienced
abstractor in each county. It helped that I had branched out into doing current owner searches and full title searches in my own counties because I knew the title guys were the equivalent to public librarians for private industry where these people worked tirelessly in accessing written records to piece together the jigsaw puzzle of title transfer over 6+ decades. Some counties were open 24 hrs a day where they allowed the “brains” of the
industry the ability to keep a cot within the Recorder’s office so they could work through the night.


So, many of Advanced Background Check’s first outside information vendors were people with title search experience. However, as we grew , the demands of having to fill 50 to 100 counties in 30-60 days made it necessary to develop our own training guide filled with years of personal experience in addition to that of the folks who searched title for decades.
After all, yours truly, was trained by an employee at Montgomery County Oh Recorder’s office and the several property Title abstractors who practically lived at the office. The ability to recruit any responsible individual and train them our way paved the way to advertise and recruit at thousands of counties Nationwide. The product evolved into this not being good enough and we then started regularly checking for accuracy by inserting
“known” records into their daily lists of new searches. vendors who don’t make the grade were put on probation then eliminated from our system altogether if they didnt get their act together. We have now evolved into yet another level of vendor recruit where we not only want the best abstractors but they have to be competitive with price so we can continue to provide our customers with high quality, low cost information.
The conclusion is for our company to invite anyone , nationwide , who wish to work on their own schedule and paid per search. It is a great way to earn a living and take advantage of work volume from a seasoned veteran in the industry. To date , we have paid out over 50 million dollars in vendor fees where that total is sure to grow larger. If you are struggling to make money, responsible and able to provide your own transportation to your county seat on a daily basis, give is a call or email at ( number and email
for vendor recruitment). “ ABC tagline here “