16 Million Background Checks and Counting
Advanced Background Check has now entered its 22nd year of business. What started out as a local Ohio Background Check company servicing needs in 7 counties blossomed into a Nationwide source for public records retrieval for all 3,143 counties. It has been our policy to keep everything we have searched for purpose of reference but to account for every piece of data retained within our heavily protected servers. We realize that quantity does not always equal quality but should not be overlooked when choosing a company to perform your background search, or document retrieval. I have always been conscious of the daily, monthly and sometimes yearly totals for purposes of comparison and to gauge the necessary amount of human resources but even I was surprised to see we had exceeded the 16 million background searches mark since inception.
At a yearly rate of roughly 1-2 million background checks per year we will quickly eclipse the 20 million mark soon. What this represents is approximately 8% of the entire US adult population and we take this seriously. We follow the proper protocol developed in-house to keep each record confidential while redundant safeguards prohibit anyone internally or externally access to anyone’s full set of data. Furthermore, we use an encryption algorithm which eliminates view of social security numbers unless an individual record needs further verification and the overall combination of name, Dob and Social Security Number remains mutually exclusive in the system where a dubious outsider would only see a random set of names and numbers in the extremely unlikely chance the data could be accessed. Like a futuristic Star Trek transporter, the individual data string is dispersed and only comes together if the right sequence is accessed through a randomly generated passcode.
Going forward, we strive to keep all information sacred and will keep count of all records which access the system. I’m personally flattered in thinking a company which evolved from a fax machine, clipboard and vehicle driven 50,000 plus miles a year to personally search records onsite at 7 counties to a vast internal staff, hundreds of vendors , banks of servers and a growing clientele sending us 4000+ pre-employment background searches a day so our great economy can move forward in the hiring process. Advanced Background Check thanks each and every client who has given us their trust in retrieving the most comprehensive records available on the market. For those who haven’t tried our services yet, I invite you to call us to 1-888-264-4018 or contact us by using our quick email form found here.
Advanced Background Check; your nationwide public record retrieval specialists.
Thank You,
David Machowsky
President and Founder
Advanced Background Check Inc.